Mafia III

Mafia III

The balance. This is the key word to succeed a good work, whatever it is, it is balance. Mafia III is a deeply imbalanced game, between the good drama, with the global interpretation highly superior to everything that is done next in the video game, and the game with the gameplay completely lambda has the repetitiveness rarely seen. Nevertheless, Mafia III is not so much an exception in the current landscape; repetitive gameplay loops are fashionable, and The Division or PUBG do not arise there as monuments of variety. The concern for a title like Mafia III is that its loop is not even satisfied, and nothing really comes to bring variation to it. What to ask what allowed me to hang Hangar 13 game, definitely not a Deck

Racism is not good, and Mafia III dodge this issue with the back of your hand to better slam it in full mouth behind. While one might have expected big strings and shortcuts of pull-larigot writing, the Mafia III friend does not do in the lace and addresses the subject of racism, organized crime, and its justification by human characters who have unfortunately bathed. In a world like theirs, it seems extremely difficult to subsist worthily, and to exist in a society that advocates financial success as the only way to achieve a decent social status. It is in this context already excessively violent on the moral and psychological level that one gets acquainted with our protagonist and hero of history, the friend Lincoln Clay, who returns from Vietnam. The return to the country seems to go smoothly, except that our buddy here-present has a small problem of pigmentation: it is black.

And being black, in the 60s in the USA, it was probably even less fun than today. Mafia III has the good taste to remind us that at a time when many people are cheating because they are not sufficiently represented in the media and in the pop-culture, or because - what a horror - intrusive writing ... inclusive is not the rule in the French language. Sorry eh, but see some real oppression, a little real abuse, a little real fear of existing in a world that really does not want us, well it's something.

It's not a reactionary speech, huh, it's just to say that revolutionaries who have never been harassed on Twitter probably lack a little exposure to reality, just to realize what what a truly brutal and unforgiving world is. Maybe they should invest a little more of their time studying some really dark times in history instead of flabbergasting because - oh my god - yes, the stereotypes are still relevant in 2018, and I reassure you, they will be reassured in 2040 because they have an adaptive value.

Now, be careful not to categorize me into Nazi or anything else, huh. Yes, today, there are inequalities. That's right, and that's why the fact that there is a movement to change that is a very good thing. However, the superlatives and hate propaganda campaigns, or even the justification of anti-white racism with a silent endorsement by non-denunciation of this kind of ideology, I think that people who take offense at being victims of discrimination often as virtual as their struggles, I invite them to think again with real material, preferably gray. Here.

So, as you can see, Mafia III does things well, realistic and squeaky, adult without paying into soft porn based on erotic cards or sex scenes with big boobs and suggestive positions without daring to show the body of the man (oh, he recognizes himself, the concerned). We can say that the title of Hangar 13 is finally fun. Finally, the story of a video game of this generation is mainly for the adult in you, and it asks you questions about morality, about society, about the place of minorities in a world. society that is not originally theirs, on the question of integration, the question of conditioning, in short ... This is not a debate on electronic cigarettes or conventional cigarettes (Dontnod must really hate me).

Especially since with this, the characters are far from being atrocious stereotypes, although we note some archetypes, which will soon be twisted and disturbed by some character traits and anecdotes of lives of the protagonists. All of this means that at the end of the day everyone has a place and a purpose, and above all a life. And the latter is deployed logically the universe of the title. So we soon feel like playing alongside live characters, following their stories, and seeing a real progression of them with this one. However, we start from a story of revenge, eh; not the coolest thing of the year. Nevertheless, it's just a well-written, written story, which embraces its cinematographic narrative without any complex in spite of its own status of video game sometimes, makes that one enters it with a very big enthusiasm. And it is a convinced ludologist who tells you that "everything is narration".

There is a phrase that has marked me in this game. I think it is rather important. It partially recalls how the era was lived by the racist whites of this generation, who were forced to see the world change when they had not asked for anything. It may help to understand why there were so many horrors at the time, while History might have to focus more on the losers sometimes: "Before, we did not have to fight for what we have, but with the ideologies of equality, we are now obliged to adapt to keep what is ours, because everyone wants their share of the pie ". It is horribly selfish, but imagine yourself in the position of this character at the end of life, and who faces such changes. How do you explain to him that he behaves like the last of the assholes?

This is what I liked in this Mafia III: it shows the suffering of the blacks, as well as the need to claim an identity and a culture, where the host society fantasized them as obedient workers because uprooted and therefore subject to their condition of non-natives. However, the title does not forget those who also composed with integration often failed, for lack of involvement of the people and the state of the time, and who thought that things would be done by themselves.

This portrait, which is not content to be biased by any ideology, does not put the state and the cops on the pillory, nor the mafia, nor the global passivity of the mass (that which one thus designates by ease, without thinking for two seconds that everyone does not have the time or the means to think about existential questions and society). That's the best of Mafia III. It's something a little fair, a little bit true. It is always this little moment when we realize that we are not conditioned to believe in something, that we do not want to indoctrinate ourselves into a so-called healthy ideology, which puts aside realities to focus on those who have the most emotional loads (and therefore ease to move).

But, truce of reflection and of things as serious; I will finish by writing an essay. Mafia III is well written and well staged. But for the rest ? As said in the introduction, the gameplay loop is incredibly repetitive, as much for the open world that suggests a vague freedom of approach, and that for once is the only thing that can save with sensations solid fire.

In confrontation, Mafia III is much more pleasant than a GTA V, except that there are not many weapons, not many mechanics of gameplay, many invisible walls embodied by the impossibility to climb in some places because I did not think about it! It's very hard to play for these reasons, even though the whole thing is solid and works. It can hardly really get off, except on very rare occasions in these clashes somewhat spiced up by some environmental modalities.

The most pleasant finally, it is the phases in vehicles with the music of the time. The driving is simple, and we get caught quickly at the nagging pace of vintage cars, with its 90 km / h in top speed, with excess speed surcharge that can react to local police. The best is when you are accompanied by a guy in the car that will carve a bib in the language of Molière. Yes, finished the dialogues in English with tainted accents forcing you to read the subtitles while you are driving. At this level, he sends GTA literally in the strings, while Mafia III offers in addition to this one of the strongest VF in the history of video games. The casting is brilliant, while the interpretation is of rare accuracy, supporting animations and facial models of extreme strength for a game in open world.

Too bad the realization overall suffers from a lot of small worries that prevents it from shining completely. Modeling globally below the cadors, display distances at best honest, at worst scandalous (no, but watch me the mirror!) Effects often dated ... In short, Mafia III is far from beautiful, which shocks after a second opus very early at the time. The excuse of the open world does not work, because the games of the series have always been in this type of level design. However, the game is also not visually atrocious, and some lighting effects will give a little cachet to the overall visual, flattering the retina without dazzling him.

We can also note that the sides are not exciting, especially there to fill the void of a world, there to simulate life but especially to give the feeling of being just a guy who makes his way in the world. 'universe (special mention: I never wanted to crush civilians, I just knocked out a woman who called me dirty nigga ... and an asshole who wanted to prevent cops because I had to shoot down coldly a mafia in a shop ... No, but frankly!). The life is probably in the thirty hours for the uninteresting total, but the score for the story that is worth living. Take the opportunity to make the DLCs that are the same caliber.

Yes, Mafia III, to play, it's not joy. A bit like KOTOR II. A bit like Deadly Premonition ... The common point of these titles is that they have a thing, you know the "thing" you talk about when you want to make someone want to watch, read, or play something that base does not give too much desire? Well, Mafia III, that's it. It's basically not terrible at all, or even completely boring sometimes, but as overall we contemplate and let ourselves be narrated a story more than we take the controller or the keyboard to play, well it's a very good experience, and a bad video game ... We should create a category for all these shits, Toupilitou; he begins to have a pack of representatives!

Mafia III Mafia III Reviewed by AT-Professional Gaming on June 22, 2018 Rating: 5
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