Little Nightmares

Little Nightmares

A little new title that offers players a terrifying or disturbing experience or even a "different" experience. The game Little Nightmares from the modern development team Tarsier Studios and the deployment of Bandai Namco may be one of the most beautiful surprises this year, how it does not offer us a mix of horror and atmosphere We are reviewing the game, which may not be on the shopping list for many players, but it is worth the experience without a doubt, so let's start talking.

Little Nightmares is a survival horror and side-scrolling game. Through the game you will play the character of a six-year-old girl named Six who finds herself in the world of a very strange and very depressing Giants. There is not much explanation for the story. Unfortunately, although it looks very exciting in her mind, you will feel the bleak atmosphere The game with its limited colors and disturbing designs, the game really offers with it a different experience in the world and make you actually feel that you are a "mouse" in the world of giants and those strange and terrifying creatures in which you live.

The game offers a very unique graphic style with a very limited color and an alarming design. The enemies are creatures like human beings but in scary shapes and you have to escape from them every time. Also on the level of acoustics, the game presents a disturbing environment, especially heart beats when enemies approach you. Or your attempt to hide them at the bottom of the table and tossed the cabinet, technically this game looks nice and offers us a different and really distinct experience.

Let's talk about how to play. Well, shooting the game sideways, but the person can enter the depth of the screen and this may cause some problems that the camera is very fixed and sometimes you will find yourself suffering to learn the correct path leading to your fall or difficulty to enter under things, Each room and every chapter of the story there is a major creature like Maicon leader of the region and you have to face him either directly or by the events of the stage to escape it, for example.

Beautiful graphics, lots of different puzzles, a gloomy wizard world and a unique adventure
Some problems with control, camera and absence of storytelling narrative.

There are no blood or weapons, all you have to do is hide and escape and solve the puzzles even in the face of the leaders, Person Six does not carry with them any kind of weapons and will rely on limited capabilities to advance events and the fact that giant monsters behind you always will always feel worried and fear as if it was like playing the game Resident Evil 3, But the difference here is that you have to escape and hide from it. You are worried and afraid for long periods during the adventure. What is the game really like? Are these puzzles presented in every area that will make you think a lot but logically without having to expect unrealistic things.

The game is not long story, you end the story in a period of up to 6 hours of play and there is not much to return for it, but the time is very appropriate for the duration of the game to ensure that the ideas do not repeat puzzles and to make each room game and separate them distinct, this game may not get much media attention but deserves The opportunity to experience, especially for lovers of survival games, horror and strange ideas, one of the most fun games that I enjoyed this year without a doubt.

Nintendo Switch version of the game:

Almost a year after the release of the original version of the game gets the Nintendo Switch on the copy of it, this version comes at $ 30 and carries with it all the additional contents obtained by the original version, due to the technical difference between the capabilities of the switch and current generation devices home This version provides with the clarity Less in both home and mobile mode and up to 720P in all modes of play and with a slight drop in the speed of the tires in some scenes and difference in lighting may be a problem especially in the dark areas of the game to the difficulty of knowing the way, also the loading times of this version longer than the domestic version and the game is dimming D is a lot of experience and loss of life again and again it becomes a bit troublesome.

Overall, this version deserves to be acquired in case you have not experienced the game before or if you have tried it in mobile mode and anywhere, the game itself still offers a very different experience from other adventure games with a dark and gloomy character and a very high technical sense. It was one of the best games of last year and a copy The switch and although it is not ideal but still very playable and worth the experience for those who did not experience the original experience.

This game was reviewed with a copy of the review of the Nintendo Switch provided by the publisher before the release of the game in the markets.
Little Nightmares Little Nightmares Reviewed by AT-Professional Gaming on July 06, 2018 Rating: 5
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