Preliminary review Darksiders III
Not all the cavalry needed to overthrow THQ Castle, the company's long-running bankruptcy, ending with a death that was a loss to the industry, a publisher of this size and power was unable to continue his journey, but there was a THQ Nordic named and wanted to continue the Darksiders adventure.
Four, we saw them so far two, and we got third, the only female among them. Fury has been summoned from the Council responsible for the balance of the world, in a mission to restore it (balance) standing against the seven sins and supernatural beings, the story may not seem deep, its goal is clear, but we expect to be amplified by the characters in the world, With events at the same time as the events of the second part, there will undoubtedly be a great opportunity to expand the story in new directions.
With a team of remaining original game developers, Gunfire tries to preserve the identity of the series with new additions imposed by the new character, with a new open world with connected spaces, helpful characters and hidden secrets, as well as fighting enemies and leaders. The main of the third fantasy.
Although it is able to use magic also, but the whip is the main weapon that will depend on the player, strikes vertical and horizontal, and can do damage to enemies in the area of long-term or near-term, the main difference between the way the two previous fighting, Like a column made of paragraphs that give it greater power when hitting enemies, is different from what can be seen in the normal whip in the Castlevania games or with the Indiana Jones character of the illustration.
The development team tries to make the enemies of the game a challenge to the player, so the fights from the first part more than the second closer to the heavier character and fewer enemies on the screen and the confrontation is often one against one, the system of avoiding strikes more show, and allows to leave a lot of space between the player and the enemy to better use his weapon Thanks to the somersaults, and as usual the game is still dependent on the system of strikes Combo (Combo) that the player can professionalism.
Fury uses magic as well as whip As we mentioned previously, developers have added a technical touch to it, the personal hair changes By changing the power that we use, we have seen the power of the fire so far, but there is more, it is also added to what distinguishes character from the rest of the cavity, and will add new play elements that make the feeling and control hand in the player's hands a different feeling.
As the player in the same world, the planet devastated, many of the enemies in the previous two games are also in this part with many new enemies, the idea in the game is to put enemies in an environment that looks like their environment, so the confrontations will be different depending on If you are in the sewer and the quality of the enemies is different, you are in the tunnels. The enemies are also different. The environment of the world will have to do with the leader, the chief leaders are the seven sins, each one of them different, enemies in the environment around them. They are in the world not waiting for you and sense B, you will find that some people hanging on the ceiling, or sleeping or eating, instead of falling to you to access a certain point programmatically, so you will often see the enemy even before he sees you and attacks, including the leaders also, may hint the leader from afar, and arrive at the time Later.
This harmony will also include puzzles, an important part of the Darksiders' games. The puzzle will not only exist in the world for presence, but its presence will be logical and believable. Since we are talking about the world it is a connected world of course, which means that the player will visit the same places over and over again, and to give the player the feeling that he is connected world, he will be able to see part of the area from which he came or intended, The only hint is that they are working to make the transition between areas smooth. We have seen some simple tricks that slow the player's movement until the game is finished loading the next area, like the player is waiting in an elevator or moving through the ventilation system.
We have not seen much of the world of the game, but what can be expected from a third part of the series is present, the cohesion of destructive buildings and nature, some places are colorful and appear charming, some dark and full of terrible insects and enemies. And as usual, secondary characters will exist in this world, To enhance the story, or to open play systems such as buying, upgrading, and developing weapons.
The differences between the three parts do not seem to be very large. It is too early to talk about this, but it is clear that the team is playing in a very safe area, especially since the publisher has already talked about the fact that the series has always got a larger budget than needed. , And the space in which the developer is able to take more time in the experiment before development is reduced.
The game is not just a fight, there is still plenty to see, and maybe talk about before you officially get the game. This is a preliminary review, and the game can still prove the opposite of what we said here in other game offers.
Preliminary review Darksiders III
Reviewed by AT-Professional Gaming
July 16, 2018