Bethesda shows a map solving the problems of the Fallout 76 game this week!

Bethesda shows a map solving the problems of the Fallout 76 game this week!

Fallout 76

With the release of the game of Fallout 76 from Batesda game has faced many and many criticism from the community of players and reviewers alike because of the problems of the game, whether the technical or the problems of the design of the game itself and the options of the team behind.

Batesda confirmed that it will listen to the voice of the players in various social communication means. During the current week, there will be a statement and a map to solve the problems of the game. The sales of the commercial game were not good after the negative impressions of the reviewers and the community of players.

Bethesda shows a map solving the problems of the Fallout 76 game this week! Bethesda shows a map solving the problems of the Fallout 76 game this week! Reviewed by AT-Professional Gaming on November 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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