Our impressions after testing the latest version of Just Cause 4

Our impressions after testing the latest version of Just Cause 4

Our impressions after testing the latest version of Just Cause 4

 At a special event in the German city of Hamburg we were allowed to try the latest version of Just Cause 4 from Square Inks. The game, as many know, is of the type of open world and depends heavily on the freedom to play and the great extent of ideas that can be applied. The game takes place 3 years after the events of the past part, and in a fictional area in South America called (Solis). The main enemy in the game is a girl named Gabriella, who is from Black Hand, which we saw earlier in the series, but this time it seems that Solis is their main headquarters. This region is experiencing strong atmospheric fluctuations and some point out that it is caused by global warming. But is this really the real reason, or are there other reasons for that?
The weather in the game plays a major role, where the game is divided into almost 4 different terrain areas. The first area is desert, and here you will definitely find sandstorms, which will have a direct impact on the play. The second area is a snowy area and is certainly covered with snowstorms. But the most interesting area is the grassy region, where hurricanes are seen all around. These air conditions may be part of the main story and may sometimes appear even during free play. And will not find a clear division of these geographical areas, but they move between them in a very streamlined manner.

Our impressions after testing the latest version of Just Cause 4

 In the game certainly the most popular elements of play is the hook, or Grappling Hook. This tool will enable you to do many things, some of which you never imagined. Certainly the property has been developed considering that it is suitable for newcomers and also professionals in the game. In the last part you can use the hook tool to drag yourself towards people or objects, you can also use it to drag two objects toward each other. In this section you can do all this and more, where you can customize the way the hook works very much. For example, you can make it work automatically by connecting two objects to each other, or you can make it work only when you press a particular button, or even work gradually by continuing to press a button. There are several types of hook work, and not only the attraction of two objects to each other, for example now you can stick objects with a pneumatic balloon tool that raises them up if they are blown. Or also a new tool that puts air jets to propel objects forward.
For example, during the experiment of one of the crazy ideas in the game, we took a military tank, and we attached balloons to raise the sky, and then made it fly through the installation of air jets, and became a destructive vehicle aircraft. From here you can imagine the endless ideas that can be done. For example, you can make an entire truck fly through the air, then drop it over the enemies suddenly. Personalization options do not end here. For example, you can determine what can happen after two bodies are attracted to each other, such as an explosion and then moving in opposite directions. You can choose three different settings for the hook and then change them quickly while playing.

Our impressions after testing the latest version of Just Cause 4

 In one of the missions later we saw the hurricane in front of us, as an exciting sight in the game of an open world and see it comes in the game in a live, and attracts everything that passes in the way of cars and buildings and others. The task involves destroying some air pumps, and certainly as the nature of the game you can do this in several ways. In another section was the amusement park, and there is a horse game that revolves, and here we installed air jets of the game and became faster. The physical in the game is fantastic and only your imagination can limit the number of ideas that can be applied.
The game is officially released on December 4th and we are very excited to try it out.

Our impressions after testing the latest version of Just Cause 4 Our impressions after testing the latest version of Just Cause 4 Reviewed by AT-Professional Gaming on November 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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