Did not the world of games one day look like a huge amusement park with different kinds of experiences? I mean ... Just imagine, you'll find all sorts of people and games here! Those who enjoy riding the roller coaster and shouting madly as lovers of action games, for example, there are those who enter the tunnel of ghosts who love horror games and you will inevitably see who eats girls with his family as someone who favors the times spent in party games and so on, and like any other amusement park there is no corner Attracts a lot of visitors, because it is bad? No, not really, it just does not seem attractive enough for many, and that makes it sad because it did not commit a sin to deserve this disregard. Today we will visit one of these places, specifically a game called Vaporum and you will come with me! Did not I seem so confident in coming here? Well, you've come to this point and I'm about to end the lead already, allowing me to bet that you're not the type to go into the positives and negatives box and just read the final number (which does not bother me if you do it by the way). At all; there are not many visitors as mentioned above so we do not need to wait in class, let's go in now!
Welcome to Arx Vaporum Let me break your head!
I will begin with a small confession: my initial impression of our shrine was not good at all because of several things I will describe later, and as a result I could not stop myself from asking, should I do this again? Bernard Shaw believed he did not need to eat the whole egg to know if it was rotten or not. What should I do? It was not long since I had the last bad experience. Will I repeat it? Yes, it is that annoying professional commitment that imposes on me not to take judgment before devouring everything in my class, so stop complaining and continue the experiment to the end and feel happy because I did!
In the middle of a berserk setting, a person who has no memory of his past is awakened by something surprising that there is a huge building close to the tongue that has been drowned by the miraculous drowning, fascinated by that majestic scene and with nothing more to lose. Our hero decides to enter that building and discover his secrets to find him filled with various kinds of monsters and traps What is the story of this strange place and what brought it to this exact situation? Questions will answer the circumstances by talking to the main character with the same files and audio recordings that will explain the speeches of this mysterious place, the story is not the main element here, apart from the fact that its beginning is slow and not very exciting I could anticipate many events inside and I deny that I arrived In one of its stages to a point that aroused curiosity in myself to know what the game hidden next, but this feeling did not last long with regret, I do not say that the story is not bad at all, it is good and satisfactory purpose, but will not be one of the reasons that will push you to experience.
Lord! burn it! Burn it before putting eggs!
I think you started asking a simple question: What is Vaporum anyway? It's simply a Dungeon Crawler game and you will control your character with the first perspective and talk about control ... How can I describe it accurately and simply? Ah yes, can you imagine yourself walking on a chessboard? This is great! I'm sorry to start off with unpleasant news. The control here is not very perfect. It made me feel like I was testing the game on the wrong device. The response was especially to pay attention to the right and left, which seemed to me somewhat sensitive and controlling the indicator was not very comfortable. In any case, I was able to get used to many of the mechanics of control after a period, but this did not fix the problem completely, especially with the index.
Let's start by talking about the game system. First you will be chosen among a group of uniforms that have different characters between attack and defense or abilities. You can choose between them. Depending on your desire to play the game, the gameplay system seems to be very limited. But gradually you collect more firearms. And white and you have many different abilities it will expand and increase the fun! This may not seem like a beginning, but the game offers a great variety of enemies and methods of fighting and does not stop at this point, the game will put you in positions will not be envied and you will have to think carefully before taking the next step and to help you on this it offers you a system stop time which will be good If you are afraid of making a mistake, do not be afraid of anything. The game gives you the option of saving and returning at any time you wish.
Your defeat of the enemies will give you points of experience or fumium as the game likes to call them, which will be your way of developing your abilities and opening up more of the characteristics that you can determine your style in the confrontation, the fact that the development system is really excellent and cast a shadow on the system of play clearly! There are a lot of features to develop and I was very eager to find out how to develop my skills. But if I'm going to come up with something here, it's the energy meter that was filling up slowly after you use one of your abilities. It is not really clear and you can continue playing without filling it, but I have a Turkish idea of the control arm and a hot cup of chocolate waiting for the meter to be filled with a more attractive idea than to find myself surrounded by a host of enemies. Capabilities Ousbandhm them.
Be aware of your steps well, or finish with many holes inside your body.
Fighting is not the only thing you will do here as the game provides a set of puzzles that you will have to solve either to make your way through the story or to get powerful equipment and new abilities. The puzzles here seemed dull and not smart and lacked diversification at first. The game started in a non-encouraging way?) But that feeling completely faded. The puzzles were improving over time and became very interesting and varied and some of them needed to think outside the box to be able to solve it! The puzzles here vary between your payment for the boxes to cross through the passages or your speed in pressing a number of buttons avoiding deadly drilling or on your memory and more! It also offers many secret passages that you can discover by pressing hidden buttons in the walls, which will give you a fat reward for your discovery, so look carefully, do not know what the walls might hide from the treasures behind it!
The game has a well-balanced challenge (I tried it on the normal stage). However, apart from the five levels of difficulty it has, it offers you many options if you want it to be professional. There is an Elite mode that eliminates saving at any time and the only point of preservation you will get is the beginning of each stage So be sure to not die please, in addition to the old school phase that cancels the map and good luck for you to remember the places to go, or keep your paper and paper near you so as not to lose the way you can also close the phase off time if you think it makes the game easier than Needless to say, it was embarrassing to admit that, but I did not have the money Enough to activate any of these stages ... Do not look at me so my job is writing, not professionalism!
Hey wait ... Want me to enter here? Will not something jump in my face? Would not the earth sniff and swallow me up? Allen ...?
The game does not have much to offer technically but it has what is more important. The purple atmosphere of Arx Vaporum is really beautiful and I found myself fascinated by the charm of this place as I did the main character, albeit for very different reasons. It has a classic character that made me nostalgic and although It is not a horror game, but I found myself jumping from my seat several times because of the sudden enemies and tense of the hiding of every corner of the dangers of me in many times, I do not think I have tried a game like it a long time and I think this was a great reason to admire it and no doubt In it it deserves this admiration inevitably.
If you have some patience and adaptability to your surroundings, I advise you strongly! Vaporum is an experience we do not see every day and what came out here was an enjoyable experience overall and I was satisfied when I finished the game in a way I never expected. Just give the game some time to get you into its atmosphere and do not like Bernard Shaw, I bet the man has wasted a good amount of Good egg meals because of his strange rule, take this game full and promise you will never regret it.
Review : Vaporum
Reviewed by AT-Professional Gaming
April 30, 2019

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