Fade of Silence
There are many different experiences offered by video games from horror games and the open world to puzzle games and exploration of the cells. While large budget games usually focus on the most popular experiences at the moment, the least expensive projects try to offer other less fortunate experiences, One of those less expensive games is the Fade of Silence, which is provided by the Black Forest Games development team, trying to attract the attention of the survival game enthusiast, will it succeed?
The story is about Ash The man who wakes up in a post-disaster world whose population suffers from cold and harsh weather. If the snow is not enough, the world is full of ugly and vicious monsters that are raging down on the neighborhoods. As soon as they see them, Ash has a settlement in the middle of this devastated world. To reach this point and to know the answers, he has to go around the world in search of evidence, genre games do not usually focus on the story. Although Fade to Silence tries to focus on the story and surround it with mystery to present something exciting, it ends with a superficial and unimportant story.
On the technical level, the game offers medium graphics in a world whose design can be described as very simple and lacking in innovation. The game suffers from many technical problems from a very frequent drop in frame rate, where it fails to maintain a 30 frame rate despite the modest technical level, the appearance of models, In a strange and surprising way, it is very likely. If this is not enough, the game ceases to work repeatedly and with our experience of the game on the Playstation 4 we have encountered this several times so that once we suffered a loss of a large number of important tools and features that we have collected during Long lighters of play.
The world of the game offers several areas controlled by the monsters known as the Eldritch and to rid the world of these monsters will cleanse or Cleansing of the nests and headquarters controlled by the monsters and to end the experiment will have to clean all the headquarters, when talking about the system of play is very simple, a button for quick attacks and another button for attacks The less-powerful, more stealthy, and more repulsive, the fighting system sometimes does not respond as well as being so simple that the fighting is not as exciting as when you meet the monsters you will most likely be repulsed in time to do And repeated this strategy repeatedly and despite the fact that it is not suitable for all enemies, but it is useful against the majority of monsters, except that it is almost the only strategy provided by this system.
Ash has to go out into the world to collect firewood and to hunt deer to provide the resources to survive but you will not be able to travel around the world as you wish. Personal health is a warm counter that will start to fill up when you experience the cold weather and you will also have a hunger counter that will fill up if you do not provide food As you move, you may experience snowstorms that appear without warning. If you are stuck in one of these storms, the temperature will quickly fill up, making you start freezing. This shows the counter of life which means full freeze. Your death and fullness of the hunger counter increases the speed of freezing. Also, the unexpected occurrence of snowstorms prompts you to prepare and prepare the appropriate reserves for such surprises before leaving your settlement every time and add some tension and anxiety when they occur and you are not ready.
You have only a certain number of attempts, and if you lose all, it means that everything is returned from scratch, but when you clear the premises, you will be able to get an additional attempt for each location and there are other ways to get more attempts. During the adventure you will meet a group of characters that you will be able to join. You can also create a "campaign" where the followers accompany you as you travel around the world to reach your goals. You face the monsters with the possibility of another player joining the network to help you, but because the fighting experience is not difficult you will not often need to do such campaigns.
The following are the consumption of firewood and food to a certain extent you can know from the list of followers and if you think carefully about the number of followers you want to join them and the construction of the appropriate huts and equipped to provide consumption will be able to build a practical economic system allows you to achieve self-sufficiency of your settlement, This leads in the end to greater efficiency in the completion of the tasks can be said that access to the economic system is very important as the resources in the world is not so scarce that the experience is impossible and not so abundant that you do not care about it and if not Be sure to take advantage of the skills of your followers in the appropriate way to save resources may suffer from the problem of your consumption of resources provided by the game world without sufficiency!
The elements of survival and resource collection in addition to the management of your settlement are the particles that you will find most enjoyable in the experience. These matters require your constant attention and will benefit you if you manage the settlement well and balance between collecting resources and making weapons and new tools necessary for progress. Staying harder becomes harder as you move forward to clear out more of the headquarters and eliminate the Eldritch creatures.
Fade to Silence will test your patience in the beginning as the game becomes really enjoyable in the last half of the experience and the first half will be lost in trying to know what your goal as the game never tell you what to do or how to collect resources as they are told to do so during exploration and traffic In an area where the resources are collected to tell you that you will collect them in this way and you should find one of the headquarters or nests to be informed that there are headquarters to be cleared and the mobility on foot is relatively slow and makes the exploration of a tedious before you get the wolves and other features that you may feel As essential but not yet available.
To finish the experiment you will need 15 to 20 hours with the usual difficulty depending on how much you want to explore and there is an easier difficulty option that reduces difficulty and provides more resources. Ending the game in this option will take less time, Fade to Silence. Resources, as well as managing your settlement, but many technical problems and surface combat systems cover that pleasure most often. If you can not overlook these problems, the game will not give you any pleasure.
Fade of Silence
Reviewed by AT-Professional Gaming
May 02, 2019

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